CYTOP™ Amorphous Fluoropolymers

Like PTFEs, but these fluoropolymers also exhibit high optical transparency and good solubility.

These amorphous fluoropolymer coatings are like transparent PTFEs.

Same excellent chemical, thermal, electrical and surface properties as conventional fluoropolymers like PTFEs, but also exhibit high optical transparency and good solubility in specific fluorinated solvents. CYTOP™ amorphous fluoropolymer coatings are like transparent PTFEs.

The thermoplastic characteristics of CYTOP, coupled with its transparency, solubility, insulation properties, resistance to chemicals, and oils/water repellency, make it a popular choice for coating electronic materials. CYTOP amorphous fluoropolymer coatings exhibit low refractive index, low coefficient of optical dispersion and good lamination properties. CYTOP amorphous fluoropolymers are available on request in various solvents (110ºC – 180ºC) and at various concentrations.

Amorphous fluoropolymer electronic coating.
Amorphous fluoropolymer coating used on electronic component.
  • Transparency
  • Mold release
  • Electric insulation
  • Water and oil repellency
  • Chemical resistance
  • Moisture-proof
  • Low refractive index
  • Low coefficient of optical dispersion
  • Good lamination properties

Call our fluoropolymer experts to discuss your specific needs.

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